It is easy to get so busy and distracted in life that we are unable to locate ourselves. Of course we know where we are physically, but what about our hearts? We move through our days at a hectic pace.
The past two years weigh heavily on churches, their staff, and pastors. Ours is no exception. One can easily do things out of a sense of duty as opposed to a delight. Rest allows for one to make time for reflection and spiritual growth. It also allows us to attend to our hearts, to prevent exhaustion and even burnout. When we hustle and hurry throughout life, then we lose sight of God as our reference point and wander without direction. All the while, our souls long to be spiritually located in Jesus.
In our May Prayer Meeting, we announced that the month of July is “sabbatical month” at Iron Works Church. There are no scheduled activities other than our Sunday worship gatherings. The purpose of this rest is to take a break from our normal activity in order to slow down for spiritual renewal, allowing for ourselves to attend to our hearts. Think of it as an opportunity to locate yourself in reference to God.
May God meet you in deep ways this month and locate you in his presence.