Why is giving so important?
Money matters. To you. To the IRS. To God.
We live in a culture where spirituality cannot be separated from generosity. If you look at Jesus' life and teaching, you'll find that he implores his followers to give to those in need and commit to a lifestyle of loving generosity. The Scriptures say that God loves a cheerful giver, not because the church's needs are met, but because God's heart is made glad when we depend on him to provide for us. As Jesus’ followers, generosity is a grace that we’re called to grow in.
So we give to God, through the work of the church, because God's renewal of all things is important to us. We want to see Jesus change lives. We're called to love people, and money is a big part of that.
how to give
Use your credit card or checking account to give online. If you give by checking account, there is a cost savings to the church. You are also able to set up either a one-time or a recurring gift.
You are also able to give to our Mercy Fund and Basement Renovation project by selecting the appropriate option in the drop down menu.
in person
We take up an offering every Sunday during our worship services. Please make checks out to Iron Works Church.
By Mail
Please mail your checks to:
Iron Works Church
312 W Union Street
West Chester, PA 19382