We invite everyone — believer and skeptic alike — to visit and participate in our community life to investigate the claims of Christ and the work of his Spirit here. In fact, one of the best ways to explore Christian belief is to belong to a Christian community. There are countless ways to be meaningfully involved in our shared life together with various levels of commitment.

Newcomers Gatherings

Once a month, during the academic year, we have various newcomer gatherings where newcomers have the opportunity to connect with one another, our pastor and staff, various community leaders, while also learning further about our mission and vision as a church. It’s an ideal time to ask questions about why we do what we do.

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored is an open and informal conversation about life, spirituality, and the person of Jesus in a supportive and safe environment. Our gatherings typically begin with food and friendship, followed by a short talk and small group discussions. Christianity Explored is for everyone! Those who are interested in investigating Christianity, new to the church, new to Christianity, or just want to brush up on the basics are especially encouraged to attend. This course runs once or twice a year.

Community Groups

We are not interested in simply being a crowd of people on Sunday mornings. We want to build deep, authentic connection – places where we can really know and be known. Our community groups meet either weekly or every other week to study Scripture, share stories, pray for one another, and friendship.

Join a Ministry Team

One of the greatest ways to get connected in any community is by serving. This is also one of the best ways for you to push against a consumeristic mindset. Please reach out to us to learn more about our ministry teams and what requirements there may be.

Take Intro to Iron Works

A couple times a year, we offer the Intro to Iron Works seminar. We’ll meet on a Saturday morning and go over our values as a church, our beliefs, expectations of church members, and what to expect over the next couple years. Everyone is encouraged to take this seminar, and we’ll also address questions regarding church membership.

Join the Church

When Scripture speaks of conversion, you always see that a mutual commitment practiced by fellow Christians together as a local church. Put plainly, membership in a local church expression of Jesus’ family is the best way to express your baptismal vow of loyalty to and belief in Jesus.

When you join the church as a member, you commit yourself to this family of believers and participate fully in the life, ministry, and mission of our church. The process of becoming a member of our church starts with the Intro to Iron Works seminar.

Whether or not you officially join Iron Works, we pray that God would use this church to change your life and to equip you to change the lives of your friends and family. We are delighted to have you as a part of this worshipping community.


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