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Our Sunday worship gatherings incorporate historic practices of the church in a relaxed fashion as we come to God in word, prayer, and sacrament. accessible rhythms of scripture, prayer, music, a sermon and sacrament.  Our music is a blend as well, with traditional hymns and laments to new worship music. We want to bring the fullness of our humanity before God; we also seek to ask the deepest questions of faith and life, addressing them from the fullness of historic Christianity.

Worship is a primary work of the Church. God invites us to come and worship him; when we come, he meets us, serves, and reaffirms his love to us.

All of life is worship.

In the day-to-day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism…. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. – David Foster Wallace

We all live for something. Scripture begins with creation, where God creates humanity in his image, where we reflect his beauty and enjoy him. When we do not worship God, then we will worship something else. Something else takes the center of our lives, and its gravity reshapes our lives. We end up worshiping other things by living for another person, pleasure, accomplishment, money, significance, a career, approval, and power. These are actually very good things, but neither are they meant to bring you ultimate joy; they are not intended for our worship - in fact, they are meant to help us worship and love our Creator. When we give ourselves to these things, we actually dehumanize ourselves. 

We believe we were made to live for, to worship God. And here is the thing about Christian worship and Christianity in general—It is not so much about what we do, but about what God does. When we meet on Sundays, God meets, serves, reaffirms his love to us. And that is why we come!

Our worship tells us a story

The good news of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection proclaims that we can freely receive what none of our own efforts or accomplishments could ever achieve for us — acceptance, approval, and reconciliation with our Creator God. Jesus frees us and reconnects us to our Creator, so we are able to worship God instead of the things he created. Since all things were created by God, they belong to him, and we are now able to celebrate Him with the things he has created.

Our worship makes us into a new people

We become what we worship, as we lift our hearts to a holy, loving and gracious God, then we become more and more like him. The specific rhythm of our worship services help tell us and others about who God is — one worthy to be praised, one who reconciles us to himself, and one who comes near. As we worship him, we pray that we become a people of grace, wonder, authenticity, mercy and justice, generosity, and living within God’s story.