Mountain Top Experiences (Matthew 17)
Understanding Your Come to Jesus Moment (Acts 9)
Jesus Shatters Expectations (Acts 1)
Elijah and God
Gideon and the Golden Fleece
The Third Way
What does awe look like?
Wrestling with God
The Art of Neighboring Podcast, Episode 2
While at our denomination's general assembly, I sat down with a friend to discuss what neighboring and hospitality looks like at his church. Brian Ferry is on the pastoral staff at New City Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. It's a church that loves their community. Every summer they rent out a local amusement park and invite everyone they can for a summer party. New City is one church that helped inspire this summer's reading series.
Thin Places
A Tale of Two Laughs
You are the God who sees
The Art of Neighboring Podcast, Episode 1
This summer Iron Works Church is reading ‘The Art of Neighboring’ together. It is so easy to say, ‘I love my neighbor,’ but in truth we really mean that we love those who look, talk, and act like us. One of the hardest challenges we face is to love those who live right next door to us. As we read this book together, I am going to be interviewing various friends, pastors, and practitioners whom we can learn a lot from and then putting those interviews up on our podcast.
For our inaugural episode, I sat down with Pastor Tom Hudzina of Liberti Church Newtown Square. He’s a friend, a neighbor, and a fellow West Chester resident. Check it out.