The Art of Neighboring Podcast, Episode 1
This summer Iron Works Church is reading ‘The Art of Neighboring’ together. It is so easy to say, ‘I love my neighbor,’ but in truth we really mean that we love those who look, talk, and act like us. One of the hardest challenges we face is to love those who live right next door to us. As we read this book together, I am going to be interviewing various friends, pastors, and practitioners whom we can learn a lot from and then putting those interviews up on our podcast.
For our inaugural episode, I sat down with Pastor Tom Hudzina of Liberti Church Newtown Square. He’s a friend, a neighbor, and a fellow West Chester resident. Check it out.
Abraham and the Smoking Pot
Spirit-Filled Generosity (Acts 4:32-37)
Take and Eat (Ezekiel 2:8-3:3)
Rehearsing the Gospel
Embodying the Love of God
Why does the church matter?
Encountering the Resurrected Jesus
A Different Kind of King
Stories of the Kingdom 10
A Story of Judgment
Stories of the Kingdom 8
I misspoke in my conclusion. Ms. Hepburn received 4 awards instead of 6. Here's the original article.
The Fuel of Faith (Guest Preacher)
This past Sunday we welcomed Rev. Darin Pesnell from Iron Works Church Phoenixville. Pastor Darin is currently on sabbatical from his pastoral duties in Phoenixville, where he is spending time learning and focusing on prayer. But he joined us on Sunday to share some things he is learning, and one resource he referred to in his sermon was Rev. John Smed's Journey in Prayer.
Stories of the Kingdom 7
Stories of the Kingdom 6
Stories of the Kingdom 5
Stories of the Kingdom 4
Jesus tells us that life with God is valuable. In his parables, there was a cost to having a precious treasure. But what does this mean for our lives today?
Stories of the Kingdom 3
In two short parables Jesus explains how the kingdom grows. It's tiny like a mustard seed, growing into large garden bushes; and it is like yeast in dough. Despite the kingdom's small beginnings, God is at work to expand his kingdom. So what do these stories mean for our lives today?
Stories of the Kingdom 2
Jesus abruptly challenges his followers again, who each had their own understanding as to what God's kingdom looks like and how it comes. Jesus called upon his followers to patiently wait for God's kingdom to come and be peacemakers. His justice shapes us to be peacemakers. That's very different from the world's justice, which shapes people into oppressors.